Ela Veresiu
Ela Veresiu is an Associate Professor of Marketing, the Marketing Area Coordinator, and the Marketing PhD Program Coordinator at the Schulich School of Business, York University. Her research focuses on understanding and promoting consumer diversity and market inclusion at the interplay of institutions, technology, branding, and identity. Professor Veresiu has been awarded the prestigious Sidney J. Levy Award, the Ferber Award Honorable Mention, the York University Research Leader Award, and the Schulich Research Excellence Fellowship. Her work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and the Journal of Advertising, among others, as well as featured by CBC News, The Conversation, and The National Post.

Awards and Grants
Full List
2024 - Schulich Research Excellence Fellowship
2024 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant
2022 - Top 10 PR, Marketing and Communications Professors in Canada, Marketing News Canada
2022 - 30 Over 30 Marketing Professors in Canada, Marketing News Canada
2021 - Transformative Consumer Research Grant, The Association for Consumer Research
2020 - York University Research Leader Award
2019 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant
2019 - The Ferber Award Honourable Mention
2019 - The Sidney J. Levy Award
2019 - Schulich School of Business Research Fellowship
2017 - York University Research Leader Award
2016 - 30 Under 30 Marketing Leader Winner, Marketing Magazine (now Strategy)

Journal Publications
Hochstein, Veresiu, and Harmeling 2024
Journal of Consumer Research

Robinson and Veresiu 2024
Journal of Marketing

El Hazzouri et al. 2023
Journal of Consumer Affairs, 57(3), 10-66-1088.

Veresiu 2023
Special issue of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research: Racism and Discrimination in the Marketplace, 8(1), 59-71.

Robinson, Veresiu, and Babic Rosario (2021)
Consumer Timework,” Journal of Consumer Research, 49(1), 96-111

Robinson and Veresiu (2021)
Journal of Advertising Special Issue: Advertising and COVID-19, 50(3), 221-229.

Veresiu (2020)
Consumption, Markets & Culture, 23(4), 342-360

Veresiu and Giesler (2018)
Journal of Consumer Research, 45(3), 553-570

Castilhos, Dolbec, Veresiu (2017)
Marketing Theory, 17(1), 9-29

Giesler and Veresiu (2014)
​Journal of Consumer Research, 41(3), 840-857

Book Chapters

Veresiu (2023), ed. Lamberton, Rucker, and Spiller, 500-528

Sharifonnasabi, Luedicke, Bardhi, and Veresiu (2023), eds. Arnould, Crockett, Thompson, and Weinberger - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing

Thompson, Arnould, and Veresiu (2023), eds. Arnould, Crockett, Thompson, and Weinberger - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing

Veresiu, Robinson, and Babic Rosario (2021), ed. Jacobsen, 171-190

Veresiu, and Giesler (2018), eds. Arnould and Thompson - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing, 255-275.
Book Reviews
Veresiu (2020)
Consumption Markets & Culture, 24 (5), 514-515

Case Studies
Baudet, Veresiu, and Parmentier (2024)
Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases, London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing