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Ela Veresiu, PhD

Professor Veresiu brings value to the marketing classroom in at least three different ways. First, she creates a vibrant learning community around the principle that business can be more inclusive of under-represented groups. Second, she focuses on experiential learning to empower her students. Third, she drives marketing concepts that shape more inclusive and diverse business strategies and public policies across a wide variety of industries.

Ela Veresiu portrait
Image by Kelly Sikkema

Courses Developed

Crafting High Impact (Consumer) Research

Veresiu (2023)

12-week PhD core course, co-developed for the PhD Program, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada

Unlocking Customer Value Through Tech

Veresiu (2022)

12-week MBA core course developed for the MBA in Technology Leadership, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada

Startup Marketing

Veresiu (2021)

12-week course developed for the Master of Management (MMgt) Program, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada

Courses Taught

⫸  Crafting High-Impact Consumer Research (PhD)
⫸  Unlocking Value for Customers (Tech MBA)
⫸  Startup Marketing (MMgt)
⫸  Social Media for Marketing and Management (MBA and BBA)
⫸  Marketing Management (MBA)
⫸  Customer Experience Design (MBA)

Student Voices

“I thought Ela was an amazing prof. She is very professional and well-organized and her course was one of the best structured ones I've taken. She was very considerate of students, and had clear expectations and guidelines for assignments. She did a great job adapting the class to the virtual format and was very welcoming, approachable and inclusive.”
(Startup Marketing, Schulich MMgt, Summer 2021)
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